Exploring the World of Edible Spiders: Safely Preparing the Most Dangerous Arachnids for Consumption

Edible spiders, a delicacy in some parts of the world, are a source of intrigue and fascination for many. While the thought of consuming these eight-legged creatures may seem daunting, it’s important to note that not all spiders are dangerous, and many can be safely prepared for consumption. This article will delve into the world of edible spiders, focusing on some of the most dangerous species that can be safely eaten, and how to prepare them.

Which Spiders are Edible?

While there are over 45,000 known species of spiders, not all are suitable for consumption. Some of the most commonly eaten spiders include the Tarantula, the Huntsman Spider, and the Orb Weaver Spider. These spiders are not only large enough to provide a substantial meal, but they are also non-venomous to humans when cooked, making them safe to eat.

  • Tarantulas: These large, hairy spiders are a popular street food in Cambodia, where they are often fried with garlic and spices.
  • Huntsman Spiders: In Laos and Thailand, these large spiders are often roasted over an open fire.
  • Orb Weaver Spiders: These spiders are commonly eaten in Papua New Guinea, where they are boiled and eaten whole.

How to Safely Prepare Spiders for Consumption

Preparing spiders for consumption involves several steps to ensure they are safe to eat. Here’s a general guide:

  1. Capture: Spiders should be captured alive and kept in a container until ready to cook. This ensures they are fresh and safe to eat.
  2. Cleaning: Before cooking, spiders should be thoroughly cleaned to remove any dirt or bacteria. This can be done by rinsing them under running water.
  3. De-fanging: While cooking neutralizes the venom in spiders, it’s still recommended to remove the fangs as an extra precaution.
  4. Cooking: Spiders can be cooked in a variety of ways, including frying, roasting, or boiling. Cooking not only makes the spiders safe to eat by killing any bacteria or parasites, but it also helps to break down the venom, making it harmless.


While the idea of eating spiders may seem strange to some, it’s a common practice in many cultures around the world. With the right preparation and cooking methods, even the most dangerous spiders can be transformed into a unique and tasty meal. So, the next time you’re feeling adventurous, why not give edible spiders a try?